Friday, July 8, 2016

The young man who earned a million dollars to travel around the world participate How did knead

For most people, traveling around the world is just a dream, but the young man, aged 31, was on his way to see individual country and at the same time working to collect Tani million dollars to him, Johnny Ward of Northern Ireland, was desperate to achieve his dream, a vision of the world because of Lack of financial resources to do so, has been determined to not let the money knot him in achieving knead, have been able to explore the 152 countries and achieved a million dollars Atina traveling over the past three years, all Hedda through his laptop.
Valuable Thailand
Johnny has to earn over a million dollars while traveling around the world. Thailand's Koh Samui in Thailand, and employs up to 12 employees.
After receiving a bachelor's degree in international economics at the university in England in 2006, spending time at a summer camp in the United States for children with special needs, he managed to get enough money to get a ticket in one direction to Thailand to teach English, which to now it does not have anything, even though he does not have the technical expertise in computer saluting says, "Technology and computer skills equal to those I have owned my grandmother, but that was not an obstacle for me it has been a long road in front of me to learn it."
In Africa
It was Johnny is determined to succeed and work hard to achieve it, it started to get thousands before too long, and soon began to spark enthusiasm after reaching $ 4,000, and also projects the first successful he became an expert in the field, and he ended up as deeply and create his own media digital, Step4Ward, and management of more than 200 sites.
Can you imagine the life of Hedda man boring and belted chained to the side of the office, but the contrary, you may find Johnny is feeding wild hyenas red meat in Ethiopia, jumps or paragliding in the Himalayas, or diving in a cage with great white sharks of his life out of the ordinary and routine daily usual dramatic manner, says, "I grew up in a single family father Vobueh intersections in Northern Ireland, and we did not have a lot of money for it in this regard, I really appreciate having the opportunity to see the world that were given to me to fulfill my dream and achieve Altroh at the same time, he's in sometimes I can not believe that this is my real life. "He adds," I probably two-thirds of the time I travel alone, sometimes with friends or family or my girlfriend and I was only in the Seychelles two weeks ago to celebrate the visit of 150 out of 198 countries. "
with his mother
Since the establishment of his company in 2012, said he was working on blogs common for companies and working on engines purely to the top of their results, and to assist companies in developing their presence on social media, when he expanded the company was able to get independent staff of about 12 people, all of his employees to communicate only on laptops of their own, we do not have any office, each one is free to work from your laptop at home, no specific working hours or anything all that matters get work done and everything so far is good, in the past hills years have income Monthly between $ 6,000 and $ 40,000.
Bear with koala
Johnny aims to visit every country round the globe and that means 198 countries in total and knead by the end of next summer, and has no plans to stop when he achieves this, the objectives include the upcoming driving bikes from New York City to San Francisco, and is following it wants to do with lessons on how others can Iceiro in his footsteps, the best part of a lifestyle that Johnny is having absolute freedom to go to any place of his choice without having to request vacation time or something Hedda, which is currently in Namibia, but he plans to return later to Thailand to set up another company with his friend .
With his own private jet

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How Johnny gets the money?
When I first started I made in 2010 Blog, I did not understand anything about SEO, or online marketing, online advertising and other, but after six months or so I called my company and asked for a declaration, paid about $ 40 and was a big shift in point my life I thought in the end Why do not I work for myself and be, this is the future and get the money from the internet and I will be really free, and from there began to increase my earnings every month until it reached $ 4,000 a month from that blog, I said if I won the Hedda from site one, why not three or five or 50! Until then it expanded my business and I worked many sites.
What are your tips for webmasters and young religion are working on the internet?
Must love what you're doing, and do not get tired or give up the most important point is that interact wih guests and your customers your positions, whether you want it or not knead.
Do you have other sources of income?
After becoming Amauri walk as well and I plan became get the financial advisor to manage my money, has recently started investing in real estate even though I do not have an idea about this field, but there is a time in front of me to learn.
Laden What are your plans for you also in order to achieve your dreams and personal wait ... when to stop and start the adventure, do not forget to interact with us through the messages.

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