Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Observed and Imagined

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Drawing Circle

Kirsten had drawn circles and rectangles on every page of her sketchbook in pencil.  It created quite a mesmeric effect turning over each page and seeing the same components.  I wanted to intervene in some way but not by disturbing the rhythm of her compositions, so gathering my courage, I took a pair of scissors to the sketchbook and cut around the pattern of rectangles and circles to make shaped pages.  The centre of the circles began to suggest apertures which I explored through collage.  I then posted the sketchbook on to Lucy.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Drawing circle

It's nearly time to send on Karen's sketchbook that I received at the beginning of April.  This month I took it with me on a visit to the National Gallery and made some drawings from paintings.  I chose individual figures and left space on the page for the other members of the circle to add their own drawings, to create a dialogue with mine.

It's beginning to get interesting: I like the idea of making drawings that might become part of a larger drawing - and that the composite drawing is constructed in stages without knowing how the final image will turn out.

train journey into London

from a painting by the Master of the Storyteller
of Griselda (active 1490-1500)

from a painting by the Master of the Storyteller
of Griselda (active 1490-1500)

from a painting by Bruegel the Elder (1525-15690

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Short sighted life drawing

When making a drawing, it's an ongoing effort to keep the drawing open - to let the marks and paper breath.  I'm trying to find ways to lessen my control over the drawing process and enable space within the drawing for discovery. During this life session, I took off my glasses (I'm short sighted) and drew the blurry world that I could see.

Drawing made using both hands: wolf carbon and conté crayon.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Sketchbook circle

As it's the end of the month, the sketchbooks in the circle have been sent on.  Here's five pages that I've included in Paul's sketchbook.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sketchbook pages

Pages from the sketchbook I have just packed up to post to a member of my Drawing Circle.  It's new group I've joined, where sketchbooks travel around a group of artists and we each draw in them for about a month or so and then send them on.  One of the most exciting things about the project is that drawings can be altered or modified by anyone in the circle as part of an ongoing visual dialogue (as long as the owner of the sketchbook agrees).  I'm looking forward to seeing how that works...

Friday, 1 January 2016

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Paperback relief sculptures

I have been thinking about and working with books for a while, printing on the paper, carving into them, exploring paper manipulation techniques and using them as frameworks for dioramas.  Recently, I started folding pages to make textured surfaces.  The couple of books that I constructed reminded me of the forms of garments from historical costume and the other day, it seemed the right moment to explore that thought further.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Architectural fragment III

Architectural fragment II

I have been collecting old postcards of landscape and architecture and have finally figured out a way to use them in collage.  I am attracted by the strange colour schemes and the ordinary and often touching descriptions of holidays and everyday events written on the reverse.  These fragments are from collages constructed on mono and lino printed backgrounds with stitch detail.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Sketchbook page

One morning, I found a goldfinch dead on the ground  - it had flown into a window.  It was the most beautiful and fragile thing.  

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Sketchbook drawing

With time available before I needed to catch a train, I made a dash to the National Gallery & began a speedy drawing of Rembrandt's 'Portrait of Margaetha de Geer, Wife of Jacob Trip' (1661) but ran out of time before I could complete it.  This is the painting I visit every time I go there and I've drawn it several times - I can't work out why it's so compelling.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


Exploring realtionships between painted and photographed portraits:

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